All children fall and bump themselves occasionally so it is crucial that they receive the right treatment. Emergency medication for serious conditions (i.e. allergies) will be stored after discussions between parents/staff. This will be easily accessible in case of emergency but inaccessible to children. These medications are transported around the nursery with the child in a red bag. Staff would seek appropriate advice from parents on administering this medication, and a medication form will be filled in by the parent/carer.

It is the nursery’s policy that every incident, no matter how minor, will be recorded. This is for two reasons, first that parents or carers will be fully and openly informed, and also from a management perspective, that we can monitor all incidents, even if they appear to be very trivial, to detect any patterns that might emerge.

If a child comes in with an injury, we will ask the parent to complete an existing injury form and sign the form. If we discover an injury during the day staff will complete an existing injury form. We will then phone the parent to see if this injury had occurred at home or speak to the parent at the end of the day. This form will then be signed by the parent.

If a child has an accident at nursery an accident form will then be completed and medical attention will be given to the child. Parents are asked to sign the form when collecting their child to acknowledge that they have been told about the accident. If a child has bumped their head parents will be called to inform them and when the child is collected the parents will be given a bump to head sheet which provides them with the signs and symptoms that their child might need more medical attention.

The accident sheet will record the following information:

  • Child’s name
  • Date of accident
  • Circumstances of accident
  • Injuries that occurred
  • What first aid was given by staff?
  • Which member(s) of staff dealt with the accident?
  • Signature of parents acknowledging that they have been told about the accident.

All of our childcare staff are First Aid qualified and are required to maintain their certificate. First Aid boxes are available around the Nursery and are fully stocked and checked regularly. If the accident is serious enough that the staff feel further medical help is required, the child will be taken to the nearest Accident and Emergency department, or walk in centre. If deemed necessary an ambulance will be called. Two members of staff will accompany the child and take the child’s records which will contain details of the child’s doctors and any allergies that they may have. Parents will be contacted immediately so that they can join the child and member of staff at the hospital. The Manager will be made aware of any serious injuries and will investigate accordingly.

Any serious accidents or incidents will be reported to RIDDOR and OFSTED and SOCIAL SERVICES as per legal and statutory requirements.

RIDDOR contact information. Online phone-0845 300 9923

OFSTED contact information. Phone- ​ 0300 123 1231
SOCIAL SERVICES 03000 411111
Revised in February 2025
By: Michelle Sharp
Adopted as the policy of the nursery
By: Jacquelin Curtis Director,
Activeplay Nurseries Ltd