When children are at Activeplay and need to have medication given to them during the day parents are asked to fill in a medication form before we can do this. This includes the name of the medicine, how often it needs to be administered and how much needs to be given for each dose. As well as the child’s name, a contact number for the parent and the child’s address must be given.

Only senior members of staff can administer medication and they need to be witnessed by another senior member of staff whilst doing so. The definition of a senior member of staff is one qualified to at least NVQ level 3 and who has been confirmed in post for a minimum of 2 years. When the child has been given the medication the staff member needs to fill in the bottom part of the medication form that states how much was given, who gave it and who witnessed it. At the end of the day when a parent is given a hand over this form needs to be signed by them to say they have been told when their child has been given the medication.

When a child starts at the setting their parents are asked to complete a calpol or similar form, so we can administer this without the parent having to fill a form in every time it is needed. The parents are called if we think a child might need calpol or similar to check but if we do administer calpol then your child would need to be collected from nursery. This form lasts 6 months and then the parents are given another form to complete.

Revised February 2025
By: Michelle Sharp
Adopted as the policy of the nursery
By: Jacquelin Curtis Director,
Activeplay Nurseries Ltd