We understand that children do catch headlice from time to time and that this is a normal, if inconvenient, aspect of childhood. To catch headlice is no reflection on the cleanliness of the child’s hair or hygiene standards.

However, in a nursery setting with many children playing together, it is a condition that is easily spread, and in order to prevent regular and multiple infections, we must ask that any child who experiences a case of headlice should not return to the nursery until the condition has been treated and eliminated.

To allow an affected child into the nursery before treatment has occurred is unfair on other children and parents, and to staff, who are also likely to be affected.

Staff will not inspect children’s hair for headlice, but in the course of their work may notice that a child is scratching, or see evidence that headlice are present. In this instance, the matter will be brought to the attention of the parent or guardian collecting the child at the end of that day.

No child will have comments made regarding the matter, or be removed from the company of other children, until the normal collection time.

A notice will be posted on the main exit door of the building informing other parents that there has been an outbreak of headlice, and that they should check their child’s hair and treat if necessary.

Revised February 2025
By: Michelle Sharp
Adopted as the policy of the nursery
By: Jacquelin Curtis Director,
Activeplay Nurseries Ltd