We have a responsibility to hold the information that parents give us, for example in their registration forms, in a safe and sensible manner.

The information in this policy should be read in conjunction with our GDPR policy, which gives further information on our data protection responsibilities.

The nursery is registered with the Information Commissioner under the Data Protection Act. We take the responsibilities of holding information on individuals seriously. The principles of the Data Protection act are that data shall be:

  • Fairly and lawfully processed
  • Adequate, relevant and not excessive
  • Not kept longer than necessary
  • Secure
  • Processed for limited purposes
  • Accurate
  • Processed in accordance with the data subjects’ rights
  • Not transferred to countries outside Europe (N/A)

Parents should be aware that Kent County Council requires the nursery to keep certain information for a defined period of time. Information on accidents has to be kept for 25 years. Our daily registers have to be kept for only two years, but the name, date of birth and home address of every child attending the nursery has to be kept for 50 years after the closure of the setting. Whilst some of these stipulations appear extremely excessive, and potentially contrary to the principles of Data Protection, they are currently the law and we must abide by them.

Parents are asked to give permission or otherwise regarding photographs taken within the nursery. These are used in internal displays, or in the child’s learning journal to support observations, etc. No photograph of a child may leave the nursery premises, unless a staff member has been given permission to work at home on children’s journals, nor do we use children’s photographs in the nursery brochure or on our website.

Revised February 2025
By: Jacquelin Curtis
Adopted as the policy of the nursery
By: Jacquelin Curtis Director,
Activeplay Nurseries Ltd