We recognise the value of taking children out into their local environment, on short trips to the library, shops and parks. This is not only fun for the children but important for imparting cultural capital. However, it is vital that we take extra precautions to keep children safe when they are outside the nursery.

Any member of staff taking a child or children on any trip, however short, must​ check that we have written parental permission to take that child out of the nursery.

On any trip out of the nursery, staff must ensure they take with them:

  • a mobile phone
  • a card with the nursery’s details printed on it about their person
  • a mini first aid kit
  • contact details for the parents/guardians of every child leaving the nursery
  • at least one member of staff must have a current paediatric first aid certificate (in practice, all staff are qualified)

Staff must leave details of where they are going and what time they expect to be back with either the manager or owner as appropriate. They must complete a checklist giving the names of every child and adult prior to leaving the nursery, which must be lodged with the nursery manager or owner and cross checked on their return.

A risk assessment must be undertaken for each specific outing. If the trip involves a relatively long walk, or is to a new destination, a member of staff must walk the route beforehand so that they are familiar with any potential hazards, for example busy roads or restricted width pavements.

At least two members of staff must always be in attendance.

The children will be counted before setting off and at regular intervals during the trip.

The child: adult ratio on a trip out will depend on a number of factors including the age of the children and the location of the visit, but will exceed staff ratios applicable within the nursery.

Longer trips out of the nursery

If children are being taken on a longer trip, for example for a day out at a local attraction, additional requirements are:

Written permission must be obtained from the parents or carers of each child before the trip.

  • Parents will be invited and encouraged to attend the visit in order that as many adults as possible can be present.
  • The children will be counted before setting off and at regular intervals during the trip.
  • Toilet facilities will be planned ahead of time for the children at regular intervals.
  • Food and drink should be offered at similar times as in the normal nursery routine, with extra drinks provided if the weather is hot.
  • Meeting points during the trip must be predesignated when all the party should assemble at regular intervals.
  • Spare clothing should be taken in case of accidents, as well as a first aid kit.
  • If any transportation is used, then the insurance details of the provider must be checked. All children will have a car seat and all seatbelts should be a three point harness not a lap strap.

Following the trip, the member of staff in charge will write a short briefing note regarding the benefits and any difficulties experienced on the trip, including comments from parents, any specific problems with children, and recommendations for future visits. This will be shared with other staff at the next staff meeting.

Revised February 2025
By: Jacquelin Curtis
Adopted as the policy of the nursery
By: Jacquelin Curtis Director,
Activeplay Nurseries Ltd